Live event

Sunday, 07/5 9:00 - 17:00

Kunstareal on the Munich "Wissenschaftstage with FORSCHA

i!bk Ideenwerkstatt für Bildung und Kommunikation gGmbH

  • — Aktion
Deutsches Museum Verkehrszentrum, Theresienhöhe
Bavariapark 5, 80229 München

At the stand of the Kunstareal München, creative and clever minds as well as skilled hands are in demand!
Hands-on program in Hall 3 of the Transport Center of the Deutsches Museum, Theresienhöhe

Participating museums of the Kunstareal:
Museum Brandhorst
Staatliches Museum für Ägyptische Kunst
Alte Pinakothek
Museum für Abgüsse klassischer Bilderwerke

On Friday you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the diversity of museums, universities and the many other cultural institutions in the Kunstareal Munich with fun games.
On Saturday and Sunday, four museums from the Kunstareal will present themselves with varied workshops. At the Museum für Abgüsse Klassischer Bildwerke the motto is: Antiquity for the home! Cast your own plaster cast or paint an already finished cast.
The Museum Brandhorst presents itself with the museum's own creative laboratory "FACTORY". In this workshop, everything revolves around the question: How can feelings be represented in motion? And can figures be made to speak through movement alone? Together you will create three-dimensional figures and experiment with simple robotic elements. Would you like to try out 500-year-old painting techniques with pigments, egg yolk and water? Then the workshop module at the Alte Pinakothek is your destination. There you can learn about the techniques of the Old Masters and try them out for yourself.
The "Staatliches Museum für Ägyptische Kunst" invites you to the workshop "The Secret of Hieroglyphics". Learn about ancient Egyptian writing and write your name on real papyrus.
Immerse yourself in the diverse educational offerings of the Kunstareal and let yourself be inspired!

Venue and events nearby

Deutsches Museum Verkehrszentrum, Theresienhöhe, Bavariapark 5, 80229 München

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