Live event

Thursday, 11/5 17:00 - 20:00

Integration of AI into the creative workflow

Format D GmbH

  • — Podiumsdiskussion
Format D GmbH
Hofmannstr. 25-27, 81379 München

Learn how AI can revolutionize ways of working in the creative process of the digital economy! Discover the latest trends and developments in this exciting field.

Our speakers on the podium:

Ivo Vutov, CTO Architect Germany - Microsoft
Dr. Korbinian Spann, Founder & CEO -
Livie Leontidis, UX/UI Lead - Format D

Artificial intelligence is currently on everyone's lips and is described as the future of technology in the world of work. Unlike previous technology revolutions, however, AI is not just about automating tasks, but about creating systems that are capable of human-like intelligence performance.

In this context, we want to explore with you how we can work constructively with artificial intelligence - rather than against it.

Artificial intelligence can help replace repetitive tasks in everyday work and allow us to focus on creative and more challenging tasks.

Here we want to look at concrete case studies and applications together, share experiences, opinions, ideas and learn from each other.

In the future, we will have to deal with many challenges in dealing with AI. We also need to ask ourselves how AI will change our working world and what demands will be placed on processes and culture in the digital creative industries.

We are very much looking forward to the varied discussions and insights from the speakers and with the participants!


Format D GmbH
Format D GmbH
Hofmannstr. 25-27
81379 München

We are a studio working in a team with our clients to formulate ideas and concepts for relevant digital products and software solutions. With a deep understanding of brands and a flair for design.

Venue and events nearby

Format D GmbH, Hofmannstr. 25-27, 81379 München

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