Graphic design academy and agency in interaction
Graphic design academy and agency in interaction
Graphic design academy and agency in interaction
Graphic design academy and agency in interaction
Graphic design academy and agency in interaction
Graphic design academy and agency in interaction
Live event

Thursday, 11/5 14:00 - 22:00

Graphic design academy and agency in interaction

Burke Akademie

  • — Ausstellung
Burke Akademie
Viktor-Scheffel-Str. 1, 80803 München

The Burke will open its doors and showcase graphic design works from its students, practical student competitions and exhibits from the agency. Additionally, there will be an After Effects workshop.

Graphic design, photography, web design - the Burke Design Academy is an innovative, openminded contemporary design school. Designing with quality, care and experience close to the real-world requirements while addressing social issues is the core of studying at Burke Academy. All graduates, whether full or part-time, are perfectly prepared for future roles upon graduation.

Our agency, which has won a Red Dot Award for Packaging Design, is an important player in this scenario. Through the Burke Agency, "real" assignments are acquired and implemented as student competitions.

And this is precisely what we will be showcasing in our exhibition with numerous student works from all semesters, the right competitions and projects of the agency.

In addition, the Burke Academy offers new workshops for freelance and employed graphic designers, providing them with further opportunities to develop and update their skills in the field of design. So perhaps our little workshop on After Effects is just what you need.

Stroll through the exhibition, get inspired, gather information on the courses or workshops, meet graphic designers and exchange creative ideas over cool drinks and snacks, or even take part in the workshop - that's what today's event is all about.


Burke Akademie
Burke Akademie
Viktor-Scheffel-Str. 1
80803 München

Since 1956 we have been training the creative minds of the future at our Burke Academy. Practice-oriented, in a friendly atmosphere and with a nose for trends.

Venue and events nearby

Burke Akademie, Viktor-Scheffel-Str. 1, 80803 München

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