Metaverse Design Lab - Exploring Perspectives
Metaverse Design Lab - Exploring Perspectives
Live event

Friday, 12/5 17:30 - 19:30

Metaverse Design Lab - Exploring Perspectives

TUM Venture Lab Built Environment

  • — Vortrag
TUM Venture Lab Built Environment
Arcisstraße 21, 80333 München

How can teaching, knowledge transfer and work of the future benefit from the Metaverse? Students, scientists and industry experts present and discuss their perspectives with the audience.

The growing interest in Web3 development and metaverse concepts is being driven by companies in the technology, social media, and game development sectors. Although 3-dimensional immersive environments have become part of architectural practice in recent decades, architects are rarely present in discussions about the design of a metaverse. The Metaverse Design Lab aims to raise awareness and encourage active participation of architects in this field.

In the event, students, researchers, and companies will present their work on applications of a metaverse and discuss their perspectives.

Ekaterina Pestriakova; Mohamed Nureddin Ali Mansuri, TUM // "Show Me Your Headspace"

Eugen Nussbaum, Welt der Wunder // "A New Content Experience"

Anton Hiller, // " - Building the Munich Web3 Ecosystem"

Michael Gebert, European Blockchain Association // “State of the Union”

Max Vogelsberger, PwC // "Business, eXperiences & Technology Perspectives for Metaverse Solutions"

Oliver Seibert, XR Hub Bavaria // "The XR HUB Bavaria and the XR Spaces as a contribution to the Metaverse"

Christos Chantzaras (moderator), TUM // "Design for Better Futures"




TUM Venture Lab Built Environment
Arcisstraße 21
80333 München

The TUM Venture Lab Built Environment supports disruptive business ideas and startups in the construction industry, architecture and design with a focus on AI and social relevance.

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TUM Venture Lab Built Environment, Arcisstraße 21, 80333 München

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