
Tuesday, 09/5 13:00 - 14:00

New or old. Bauhaus. Dieter Rams.Universal Design

IUD Institut für Universal Design GmbH & Co. KG

  • — Vortrag

Is the New European Bauhaus Initiative really new or a colorful kettle pot?
A critical discourse on the 10 theses of good design by Dieter Rams & the Weimar Declaration on Universal Design.

Theses for Discourse "oneylevel"
"The New European Bauhaus initiative calls on all of us to envision and collaboratively create a sustainable and inclusive future that is beautiful to our eyes, minds, and souls."
Formative parameters of the New Bauhaus are aesthetics, sustainability and inclusion."
Dieter Rams in his 9th thesis: good design is environmentally friendly. Design makes an important contribution to the preservation of the environment. It incorporates resource conservation as well as minimizing physical and visual pollution into product design.
Universal design is attitude and responsibility and creates social inclusion, as the signatories of the Weimar Declaration state, among other things.
The discourse on this could be exciting!

Weimarer Erklärung zum Universal Design MCBW 2023



