How will we work in the future and for whom? New Work& Brand Identity
How will we work in the future and for whom? New Work& Brand Identity
How will we work in the future and for whom? New Work& Brand Identity
How will we work in the future and for whom? New Work& Brand Identity
How will we work in the future and for whom? New Work& Brand Identity
Live event

Thursday, 11/5 18:00 - 21:00

How will we work in the future and for whom? New Work& Brand Identity

Schmidhuber Brand Experience GmbH

  • — Workshop
Schmidhuber Brand Experience GmbH
Nederlinger Straße 21, 80638 München

Societal change on a global level presents complex challenges for organizations. But what impact can spatial communication
have on their processes?

Society is in constant flux, which is enhanced by today's global challenges. Especially in the work arena, this has changed the ways in which we communicate. The era of Zoom and Teams has disrupted existing processes and structures, posing an existential question for companies and organizations regarding the future: How should we be thinking, communicating, and acting in the years to come?

The physical and digital space around us can have a significant impact on the processes. But the factors demanding consideration are complex and highly individualistic. SCHMIDHUBER Future Work helps companies and organizations identify new processes and designs spaces that actively empower them. In addition to functionality, the focus is on boosting the corporate identity and the brand. Especially in a world where the trends towards globalization and standardization are prolific, distinctiveness and strong values have never been more important.

These developments have also significantly impacted the search for the next generation of new talents: It's no longer merely a question of how work is done, but also for whom, and what kind of work. These are deciding factors in today's "war on talent."
For this reason, we believe in unifying the topics of New Work and Internal Branding to design and create spaces that actively address new challenges and respond to change with agility.
These are the topics we will cover in a presentation, followed by a discussion.




Schmidhuber Brand Experience GmbH
Schmidhuber Brand Experience GmbH
Nederlinger Straße 21
80638 München

As a communications, design and architectural agency, SCHMIDHUBER develop strong brands, turn strategies and messages into tangible experiences and create brand spaces for
maximum impact.

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Schmidhuber Brand Experience GmbH, Nederlinger Straße 21, 80638 München

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