Shaping systemic change: Saving the world with (systemic) design?
Shaping systemic change: Saving the world with (systemic) design?
Shaping systemic change: Saving the world with (systemic) design?
Shaping systemic change: Saving the world with (systemic) design?
Shaping systemic change: Saving the world with (systemic) design?
Shaping systemic change: Saving the world with (systemic) design?

Wednesday, 10/5 18:00 - 19:15

Shaping systemic change: Saving the world with (systemic) design?

Creatives For Future

  • — Vortrag

How can designers contribute to designing a sustainable and future-oriented society? What Systems, Futures and Design Thinking can add to that.

Zoom-Passcode: cff

Designers play an important role in shaping a regenerative society. Given the many crises our world is currently experiencing, it is crucial that we understand their interconnections and do not limit ourselves to symptomatic solutions. The underlying causes must also be addressed. Moreover, to successfully save the world, paradigms must be overcome and new collaborations forged. A new mindset is needed!

To achieve this goal, we need an expansion of creative methods to comprehend complexity and find solutions that are focused on sustainability and future viability.

Overall, this talk offers exciting insights into Systems Thinking and the opportunities that creatives have to actively participate in shaping a sustainable and future-proof society.

The presenting multidisciplinary designer worked for many years as a communication designer and graduated with honors from HTW Berlin with a Master's degree in Systems Design and a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Design. In her master's thesis "Designing planet responsible futures" she investigated the fields of action of designers as well as the food system in the context of the climate crisis. Her heart beats for climate activism and social-ecological transformation. She is the founder of a creative collective and the Systems for Future group.

Livestream link




Creatives For Future
Creatives For Future
Holbeinstr. 8
81679 München

We are a grassroots movement from the fields of design and marketing and offer creative people an easy way to volunteer for climate justice.
