Laboratory for Beautiful Failure
Laboratory for Beautiful Failure
Laboratory for Beautiful Failure
Laboratory for Beautiful Failure
Laboratory for Beautiful Failure
Laboratory for Beautiful Failure
Live event

Saturday, 13/5 10:00 - 13:00
and 14:00 - 17:00

Laboratory for Beautiful Failure

A Tribe Called Humans

  • — Workshop
Velvet Space
Amalienstr., 2nd courtyard 71, 80799 München

How can we accept and welcome disruption, loss, and failing into our (work) lives, and begin to experience "failure" as a beautiful experience?

Welcome to the Laboratory for Beautiful Failure -
Experimenting with a playful and creative approach to mistakes, failure and crises
Here we experiment with taking a new, playful approach to the inevitable "failing" in an uncontrollable world. We work with applied improvisation to "fail beautifully" and to recognize the opportunities of the unpredictable and use them for new development. Mastering improvisation - that is, being able to work with what is present and to make something out of anything - offers the advantage that we remain capable of handling challenging situations. And we can even use them as a source for creativity, in the spirit of "Disruption Unleashes Creativity".
With the appropriate perspective, attitude and practical tools, "beautiful failure" holds the opportunity to use disruption, loss and failing as a time for growth, development and renewal.
This session is an intensive short program of our extensive training program for more resilience, regenerativeness and resourcefulness. In three hours we will experience different facets and learning dimensions of beautiful failure.
In order to make the lab accessible to as many people as possible, we offer one German and one English language session on each day. Please use the corresponding link on the info page to enroll.

German: 10-13 hrs
English: 14-17 hrs

Ritual Design Workshop 2022




A Tribe Called Humans
A Tribe Called Humans
Flößergasse 6a
81369 München

TOGETHER we can make a difference towards better business! As a collective of free-range experts we work with people and organisations to develop meaningful connections for brilliant collaboration.

Cooperation partner

Venue and events nearby

Velvet Space, Amalienstr., 2nd courtyard 71, 80799 München

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